/ How

How we intend to successfully end this project

  1. By gathering and being initiative
  2. By networking
  3. By financing (we 'only' need 15'000 $, which here is a huge amount of money, but will highly improve the living conditions of our people - see the budget in detail below)
    1. Peponi Kilimanjaro Expeditions & Safari contributes 50 USD X per client, unless the fee is due to a promoter
    2. By donations
    3. If the efforts turn out to be insufficiant: by crowd funding

If you like to do a donation, we appreciate it infinitly. We still suffer from being far behind in our development - which you can easily see looking at the primitive water installations that were managed to build up so far.

We will soon add a bank account and a monitoring guarantee for this purpose.

/ Thank you infinitly

The project in detail
Longochi Water Supply Association.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

(To easily oversee the budget below, you need a laptop or a tablet)

Longochi Water Suppy Project Rehabilitation Budget  
Phase 1.  
Narration Unit of Measure Units Unit Price in TSH Unit Price in US $ Total in TSH Total in US $
Bricks Fabricated (400 PCS) Pieces 400 2'500.00 1.16 1'000'000.00 465.12
Waterproof Cement (60 Sucks) Sucks 70 20'000.00 9.30 1'400'000.00 651.16
Sand (42 tones = 6 lories of 7 tons Tons 6 250'000.00 116.28 1'500'000.00 697.67
3/4 Aggregates (21 tones = 3 lorries of 7 tons) Tons 3 400'000.00 186.05 1'200'000.00 558.14
Mason and plumbers (10 People for 30 days) Human resource 30 150'000.00 69.77 4'500'000.00 2'093.02
Laborer (10 People for 3 days) Human resource 30 100'000.00 46.51 3'000'000.00 1'395.35
GS (10 feet) Pieces 1 85'000.00 39.53 85'000.00 39.53
ELBOW (GS 2 Pieces) Pieces 2 15'000.00 6.98 30'000.00 13.95
Coupling (8 pieces of 2 inches) Pieces 8 6'000.00 2.79 48'000.00 22.33
PN 16/ Class C (8 Rollers- 63 mm (2") Class D)PN 16/ Class C (8 Rollers- 63 mm (2") Class D) Roller 7 1'260'000.00 586.05 8'820'000.00 4'102.33
NIPPLE (2 Pieces) Pieces 2 20'000.00 9.30 40'000.00 18.60
12mm iron rode (20 Pieces) Roller 20 20'000.00 9.30 400'000.00 186.05
Mesh wire (10 Pieces) Pieces 10 25'000.00 11.63 250'000.00 116.28
8mm iron rode (20 pieces) Roller 20 18'000.00 8.37 360'000.00 167.44
Binding wire (20 pieces) Pieces 20 12'000.00 5.58 240'000.00 111.63
Working equipment (Wheel barrow, Machetes, hummers, spades, timbers, nails and seesaws) Lumpsum 1 750'000.00 348.84 750'000.00 348.84
Transport of materials (hiring transport facility) Lumpsum 1 3'500'000.00 1'627.91 3'500'000.00 1'627.91
Aluminum strong strainer (10 Meters) Meters 10 20'000.00 9.30 200'000.00 93.02
Get valves (4 inches, 3 inches and 2 inches) Pieces 3 45'000.00 20.93 135'000.00 62.79
unions 3&4 inches Pieces 4 15'000.00 6.98 60'000.00 27.91
Connectors Pieces 10 15'000.00 6.98 150'000.00 69.77
Strainners 4 meters Pieces 2 8'500.00 3.95 17'000.00 7.91
Pipe flange Pieces 1 85'000.00 39.53 85'000.00 39.53
Adaptor flange 4 inches Pieces 2 55'000.00 25.58 110'000.00 51.16
Reducing Socket Pieces 1 25'000.00 11.63 25'000.00 11.63
Collar Complete Pieces 1 150'000.00 69.77 150'000.00 69.77
Direct collar Pieces 2 115'000.00 53.49 230'000.00 106.98
VAT 18% (Transaction Costs) percentage 0.18 28'285'000.00 13'155.81 5'091'300.00 2'368.05
Total         33'376'300.00 15'523.86
Column 2






c/o David Lyimo, Peponi Expeditions & Safari



+255 718 442 953

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