/ why & WHO

  • In 1992, USAid identified the need for this water project.
  • From 1993-95 the project was implemented.
  • Since 1995 the Moshi Rural District authority failed to propperly look after the project. Neither did any government official show any initiative.
  • The population has been growing, and with that the current need.
  • Volunteers are troubleshooting periodic water interruptions, remove mud when the water turbidity goes higher, empty the strainer filled and blocked with mud, tree branches, leaves, logs, grass and algae.
  • At the moment there is no government plan to work on the challenges that the people are encountering:
    • growth of population
    • maintainance and extension of the infrastructure
    • health and life comfort

The responsable private people for the Longochi Water supply project are:

  • Myself, David Lyimo for Peponi Expedition (lyimodavid2002@yahoo.com, https://www.facebook.com/david.lyimo1, +255 718 442 953).
  • Fratern Mtui, working for Water Mission International in Tanzania, who grew up in our area and does a huge and important job, fully idealistic, to improve the lives at the place where he was raised. (fratern2@gmail.com, +255 754 416 860).
  • Mr. Elidhili Mrutu, who is very potential for all government consultation as well as advice during the implementation, consultant, Moshi Rural District Water Engineer (emrutu@yahoo.com, +255754965284).

The initiative will be coordinated by Peponi Expedition in collaboration with the Moshi Rural Water Engineer.

Other stakeholders like the community, ward authority and village authorities are being actively involved for planning and implementation.

The private project team has met and keeps meeting with different stakeholders, especially those who engaged in implementation of Longochi Water Project over twenty years ago, and the local government authority, especially:

  • Mama Aripa Marialle for MACDA*: +255754560356
  • Dr. Yian Mamuya for MACDA
  • Dr. Seraphim Mamuya for MACDA) Aged and retired Medical Doctor
  • Dr. Kipokola (aged and suffering from stroke)

*MACDA is the Marangu Community Development Association






c/o David Lyimo, Peponi Expeditions & Safari



+255 718 442 953

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